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"Momentary" Opening May 21st In Toledo With An Artist Talk To Follow

I have to say that seems like a very stuffy title for the news I'm writing about today because I'm absolutely thrilled to be shoing out of state for the first time, at LeSo Gallery in Toledo, Ohio.

I will be exhibing a number of 35mm multiple exposures alongside Crystal Gale Phelps.

"Valentine's work is a series of quadruple exposures created through traditional use of film and darkroom techniques. Her work fuses incidental imagery into a singular complex and saturate image, often with infinite depth. Phelps work explores the depths of her own experience and the greater dialogue of death through life, memory, and reclamation. Through use of blood, ink, dirt, and thread, Phelps expresses herself in line and gesture on the paper. These artists compel the viewer to sink deeper, either into the image itself or into our complex thoughts and emotions. Explore this exhibition of thoughtful works and take hold of something meaningful, however momentary."

You can read more about the event on and rsvp to the event via LeSo Gallery's facebook.

The opening reception will take place Thursday, May 21st from 5:30 to 9 pm.

Additonally, I have been invited along side Crystal to particpate in LeSo Gallery's Artist Talk. During this talk, I will talk about how I developed my analog technique and what exactly goes into quarduple exposing a multiple exposure image. I am incredibly excited for this and would be thrilled if everyone and everyone they know came!

LeSo Gallery will hold a closing reception on Thursday, June 18th. The gallery is located at 1527 Starr Ave. in Toledo, Ohio.

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